Angkor Wat – Cambodia

Jungle growing into the temple

Jungle growing into the temple

Reflections of temple of faces

Angkor Wat is one of those places I saw in photographs before I went, but only half believed it wasn’t a Hollywood set. The scale of the place is pretty hard to put into pictures. I don’t have much time to write today, but enjoy the photos and a few sparse comments.

Elephants in front of temple of faces Ants transporting a millipeed

Some local wild life…

Behive in a treeJungle growing into the templeJungle growing into the templeJungle growing into the temple Jungle growing into the temple Jungle growing into the temple Monks angor-watt-2059 Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise Angkor Wat at sunrise

The number of people who had made it out to the middle of nowhere at 5am was quite amazing. There were even tour groups serving champagne after sunrise… Each to their own.

Angkor Wat at sunrise

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