Posts Tagged ‘fashion’

Charlotte portrait and fashion shoot

Shot on location in Oxfordshire using a studio head and portable battery pack. Natural light shot on location. These were from a shoot with Charlotte last month where we shot both in my studio and on location. Thanks to Emma for doing the hair and mak...

Clothes shoot

A shop in Oxford lent some beautiful designer clothes for the shoot, thanks to Booty Oxford. I tried to go for a classic look in this picture, thinking Egyptian princess! I have no idea how Shara got the hair to stay up like that! Great look though. I l...

Oxford fashion

I did a shoot last month with a shop from Oxford called Booty. They have a shop full of beautiful designer clothes in Oxford. I have loads of photos to put up on here as ever but I have several projects on the go at the moment so not much time! I go to ...

Countryside Shoot

A country themed fashion test I recently completed with modelĀ  Abi Penhale. This shot was natural light and a little fill from a shoot through umbrella and a Canon 580ex II. The wind was absolutely freezing this day so we didn't shoot for as long as we ...

London Fashion & Beauty shoot

A friend of mine, Emma, is in her final year of make-up studies (not sure if that is the correct term for the course!) at the London School of Fashion. I went along and photographed the result of their project which they designed the make-up and styling f...