Archive for the ‘Photography’ Category

A weekend walking in Exmoor National Park

[caption id="attachment_3544" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Path to Dunkery Hill beacon[/caption] In May I spent a weekend walking around Exmoor National Park with my dad. I hadn't spent too much time in that part of the country previously and it was a ...

Rainbows, waterfalls, steam and lobsters in Iceland

The weather on my final day in Iceland was a mixture of light rain, heavy rain, sideways rain, sleet, snow and everything in-between. A typical day in Iceland of course, which made short work of my basic 'waterproof' clothing... Lesson learned, next time...

Landmannalaugar in a super jeep – Iceland

I had read a lot of good reports about taking a super jeep to explore some of the more extreme sections of Iceland. This trip was back in April so there was still a lot of snow and ice about. A super jeep is an imported jeep that has been raised and had...

Southern Iceland

[caption id="attachment_3402" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Looking back after finding out the road was closed[/caption] As ever the weather in Iceland looked uncertain for my first full day in the country not in the office. My friend Albert suggested w...

Reykjavík and the Aurora (Northern Lights) – Iceland

[caption id="attachment_3784" align="alignnone" width="1200"] The Sun Voyager - Reykjavík[/caption] This is probably the most photographed scene in Iceland, but I couldn’t help myself. The recent addition of several high rise flat blocks unfortunatel...