I am back in London after a month in New Zealand. New Zealand is one of the most amazing countries I have ever been to. It has one of the most varied and extraordinary landscapes in the world. First it’s rolling hills, then into ranging mountains then back into rainforest all within a few hours. I took a lot of photos and so some amazing times, recommended to anyone.
Photo of the sunrise over Canary Wharf, one of the few good points of jet lag is seeing the sunrise!
Canon 5d MK III london sunrise

Ever since ‘The Meat Taco’ was built I have wanted to see someone alley-oop fufanu and pull it! After a few tries it was pulled back into the ramp. Really wild to watch, Jim isn’t afraid. I couldn’t decide which angle I liked better so here’s one from the otherside.
Canon 5d MK III Fufanu Jim Battershill london the spot

Nice chilled table from Pat who recently got hooked up by We The People with a new frame and some bits, congrats!
Canon 5d MK III natural light Pat Henson the spot

The amount of light pumped out by the stadium is staggering, literally lighting up the night sky around it.
From my flat you could just see some of the fireworks in the closing ceremony of the London Olympic games. After the fireworks had finished you could see a plume of smoke rising from the stadium behind the half finished flats with the Overground flashing by in the foreground.
london night Olympics Overground