The second resort we visited was Red Mountain, staying in the nearby town of Rossland. The elevation is higher than Fernie and the snow even at town level was a lot deeper, we arrived to a fresh coating of powder over the trees and houses. Unfortunately thenext morning the weather set in a rain plagued us again, though it was snow at higher elevations.
The Red Mountain Grey chair was closed so in instead they were running a free snow cat service up part of the mountain, try getting that in Europe! There was a half hour wait for the cat so various games involving digging holes in the snow developed, I dug myself a nice little snow shelter.

George May at Red Mountain

Tom Salmon at Red Mountain

Jim carving through powder at Red

Air hockey
The house we rented didn’t have enough beds for everyone (our fault), but it did have a basement with table football and air hockey.


Snowy streets of Rossland

View over snowy Rossland from above
Snow sports Travel
canada Skiing Snowboarding

I am out with 5 friends powder hunting around Canada, we flew into freezing Calgary to pick up our rather large 15 seater van… Luckily it does have winter tyres and 90% screen wash…
Our first few days were at Fernie where there was plenty of snow but poor visibility and fairly regular snow and rain, which makes it hard to shoot many photos; hence the white-out photos… Jim enjoying the powder in the photo above.

After a long drive in poor conditions we arrived at our hotel to find that it was essentially a large warehouse with rooms around the outside and a hot tub and pool in the middle… For £25 a night not bad!

Will blasting a turn



Me taken by George

After a few days in Fernie we drove the 4 or so hours over to Red mountain. A fairly precarious drive over a mountain pass dodging 18 wheel trucks and varying visibility.

You don’t see many of these in UK petrol stations…
Snow sports
canada Skiing Snowboarding

Sunset in Wales
I went to University in Wales and I always enjoy going back to visit friends and see the beautiful landscapes. I visited back in April and arrived on a Friday night to a beautiful sunset display.

Fire Poi at sunset in Wales

Sunset in Wales
Shot using Cokin neutral density and graduated ND filters to bring the sky in and achieve a softer sea.

Worms Head
The following morning we got up to see the sunrise from worms head. The sunrise wasn’t quite as impressive as I had hoped, but it’s still and interesting part of the world. At low tide you can walk out to worms head, but during high tide the path is submerged.

Sunset in Wales
beach sunset Wales