Archive for January, 2013

Pipe nac-nac

4 years ago I moved back in Oxford after university for a year and used to go to the trails a lot, just hanging out in the woods, making fires, climbing trees and building the odd jump and riding. I miss those days, back for the weekend in Oxford next we...

Lost colour film scans

I had a film kicking about my flat, I had no idea what was on it so I took it in to get scanned, I hadn't got film developed in year so I really quite excited to see what was on it! Here are a couple from that film. Film was expired Kodak ISO400. Above W...


At the end of last year a few of us took the train to 'Ramprage' in Colchester to try and escape the constant dampness. After riding round Colchester in circles following Google maps to the wrong post a couple time we finally found the skatepark. I didn'...