Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Cardiff vs. Swansea Varsity rugby match 2008

Cardiff Arms Park held host once again to the annual Cardiff versus Swansea rugby Varsity match. Cardiff had been thrashed 19-0 the previous year so there was a lot riding on them doing well this year. The match initially did not start well for Cardiff wit...

SVC Fun Run

A few weeks ago, for two weekends in a row I took photos of Fun Runs. The course was exactly the same, but for different causes. Saturday's run was for the Cardiff SVC (Student Volenteering Centre). Above is the winner of the race. It was the first year...

Cardiff AU Fun Run

Saturday 16th February saw the Cardiff Athletic Union's fund raising fun-run. Despite the nippy Spring weather around 250 fresh faced students turned up to run the 3.5 miles around Bute Park in Cardiff. Capturing everyone as a group was quite a challenge,...