Archive for February, 2008
Gaz table at Llanishen
Gaz is only 17 but shreds with the best! Table at height. Just the on-board flash used for this one, nice to keep it simple sometimes....
Mud Flyer
I was asked to design a flyer for a new night called Mud in Cardiff at Club Conti's. I had free range with the design direction for it, always nice, but a challenge! I Decided to go for an industrial look, to fit in with the Dubstep's grimy sound....
Cardiff AU Fun Run
Saturday 16th February saw the Cardiff Athletic Union's fund raising fun-run. Despite the nippy Spring weather around 250 fresh faced students turned up to run the 3.5 miles around Bute Park in Cardiff. Capturing everyone as a group was quite a challenge,...
Finally a blog!
So I finally got around to setting up a blog for the site. I hope to include reviews, videos and write ups from photos shoots, photos from gigs and sports games and a much more. I have also redesigned the site, I am still working on an updated portfolio s...