Archive for the ‘Site News’ Category
High rise
In the last few years a lot of people have upgraded to larger displays, so I decided to up the size of the pictures I am putting on my blog and also remove the watermark I used to put on them to make it a cleaner, hopefully more enjoyable experience to v...
Bigger pictures and re-design
Isaac jumps over Cazzola last summer before it became hellish cold... I have done a slight re-design to the website, hopefully it looks a bit cleaner now and more importantly allows for bigger pictures to be used. Any feedback is always welcomed in the c...
My photography portfolio update
I have been working on an updated portfolio for a while now. I have just set it live so please go take a look! It is designed to be easy to use and allows 3 different ways of navigating between photos as follows: Photo thumbnails Slideshow which can be ...
No time for updates…
That made me chuckle! I will be updating with some of my own pictures soon, just real busy at the moment. The Cardiff vs. Swansea Varsity is coming up in about two weeks, always some great opportunities for photos there. More details about that soon. I...
Finally a blog!
So I finally got around to setting up a blog for the site. I hope to include reviews, videos and write ups from photos shoots, photos from gigs and sports games and a much more. I have also redesigned the site, I am still working on an updated portfolio s...