After setting off early from Bangkok we had a long drive to cross the border into Cambodia. The border crossing point is utter chaos with throngs of people selling things, casinos, overloaded trucks and of course endless motor bikes. After a relatively easy crossing we were into into Cambodia. The first thing to do was to eat some frogs, silk worms and crickets. For some reason I didn’t manage to get any photos of the border crossing which is a shame as it was so mad!

The silk worms weren’t too bad… A kind of creamy texture, I don’t think I would rush back for more though!

After checking into the hotel we heading off on a tuk-tuk to a local village home stay for dinner. You can pay in so many differences currencies here, they have their local currency, but most things seem to be in US dollars. I loved being driven through the countryside here, there is always something interesting to see and/or something burning…

A traditional village house

This is a mushroom growing room

The local Cambodian food is amazing! All the food is very fresh and the hosts were very friendly. The home stay helps children to get a education and provides short trips for kids who would otherwise probably not leave their village/province. The kids all spoke very good English and were very happy, singing various songs in English. Life is tough out here for them with most people still being simple farmers they are unable to send their children to school.

The next day we got up early to go to the famous Angor Watt temple and the other temples being slowly reclaimed by the jungle. More soon!
Asia 2014 cambodia

This is my first post of my trip, I am away for 3 weeks in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. I have been to Thailand before, but had always wanted to come back and experience Vietnam and Cambodia, much smaller and less developed nations. After a few problems leaving London; leaving my debit card at my flat then having to go back and get it nearly missing my flight I made in to Bangkok. I even managed their public transport to get to my hotel without getting the wrong tube once! I met up with a friend I had my in New Zealand who is now out here teaching.

The next day I wondered around Lumpini Park which is nearby my hotel and was surprisingly large, clean and beautiful, not something I had expected to see in the middle of Bangkok! There was lot of wildlife too.

It was strange to find this oasis in the midst of the dirty, crazy noisy, busy bustle of Bangkok.

The traffic is Bangkok is awful but exciting!

The next morning we got up early to cross the border into Cambodia. I would like to write more, but I only have a few minutes before I am heading out for dinner. Pictures from Cambodia day one soon!
Asia 2014 thailand

I recently went to the Red Bull air race at Ascot race course, my first time seeing air racing. I wasn’t initially convinced I would enjoy it, but it is a really interesting sport to watch, I would definitely recommend going if you get the chance.

The course was quite expansive, which meant it could be a little hard to see what was going on in the far distance behind the trees, however this meant you did get quite a cool perspective of the planes coming out from behind the trees into the air again.

The day was interspersed with other shows such as the chinook display.

The Breitling wing walkers were also in attendance.

Overview of the grand stand at Ascot

Photo journalism
Ascot Canon 5d MK III