I photographed the annual Oxford University London lecture again this year. The talk is always fascinating, this year the topic was ‘Where are the Robots?’ held inside the stunning Church House in Westminster.

Church House Oxford University

I had the opportunity to photograph the London Fashion Weeekend 2013 at Somerset House, London. The photos in this post are all from the Trend Show. I shot the photos on a Canon 5d Mk III with a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens, at 200mm. This proved to only just be enough reach from the photographers stand at the back, but a little cropping solved this. It’s amazing the difference someone shooting in landscape and portrait makes to how much their elbow is in your lens blocking your shot! Make sure you pick your place in the stand carefully and prominently!
Patterns are very in this season, and it seems designers are taking every opportunity to embrace them, taking designs off from far flung cultures, skateboard designs even featured in on of the shows!

This was my favourite dress from the show, I loved the way it flowed across the stage and the brilliant colours.

Not sure this one will catch on, but you never know in London..

This was another favourite of mine, great 60s influence. Simple clean lines work so well here.

I had a blast shooting this, thanks to Canon UK and WEX for organising it.
Canon 5d MK III Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 london model Somerset House

Some good old rock and roll went down at Powerlunches on Thursday, fun times had by all. Check out Sserpress
Canon S100 on camera flash Powerlunches Sserpress

4 years ago I moved back in Oxford after university for a year and used to go to the trails a lot, just hanging out in the woods, making fires, climbing trees and building the odd jump and riding. I miss those days, back for the weekend in Oxford next weekend.
off camera flash pipe trails

I had a film kicking about my flat, I had no idea what was on it so I took it in to get scanned, I hadn’t got film developed in year so I really quite excited to see what was on it! Here are a couple from that film. Film was expired Kodak ISO400. Above Will and Simon chilling at the spot

Simon going in… Really into the colour the film has produced, these are as scanned, no adjustments, refreshing.

Chris Gordon avoiding the wetness….

Best place

Chris fixing it up. One of my many new year resolutions is to start shooting more film this year.
film natural light the spot